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Super16mm Film on HD, Sound | Korean with English subtitles | 15min | Co-produced with Samuso:, Seoul
Seoul Fiction follows an old couple on a bus-ride to visit their children in the city. They move from countryside (Gonju area and the ‘future’ capital city Sejong) to the big city (present capital Seoul), passing endless bed-cities and suburban apartment complexes.
Buildings that resemble each other, expressing the rise and transformation of South Korea in the recent years. The elderly couple observe through the bus window the changes of landscape, and start to reflect on these changes of the city and the country. A reality that looks abstract and a past that is in the future.
A re-examination of history and the re-writting of it.
The journey refers to Yasujiro Ozu’s Tokyo Story (a film in which a journey itself is not shown), the set as a reference to Jacques Tati’s Playtime and its Tativille. Both films express the rapid changes of society in their respective time and country; uncertainty and abstraction that changes and progress bring along. A reference to Alain Resnais’ Last Year in Marienbad, where the line between the past, present and future disappears and blurs. It is the final part of the trilogy on memory together with A Short-Story on Forgetting and Remembering and Norwegian Woods.
This trilogy is the main feature of Book 1 June Young of The Monograph Project.
Exhibition list
2013 Disturbances in the Structure, Art Today Association for Contemporary Art, Plovdiv (BG)
Moving On Asia: Towards a New Art Network, City Gallery, Wellington (NZ)
2012 City Within the City, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne (AU)
2012 Gwangju Bienniale, Gwangju (KR)
2012 Anderenorts, rotor, Graz (AT)
2011 Taishin Bank Foundation for Arts and Culture, Taipei (TW)
2011 City Within the City, Artsonje Center, Seoul (KR)
2011 Yebisu International Festival for Art and Alternative Visions (screening), Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography (JP)
2010 Platform 10, Samuso: and Artsonje Center, Seoul (KR)
Thanks to Kim Sunjung, H. Phoebe Huang Marzec, Sungjin Moon, Jaehong Kim.
> samuso: space for contemporary art, Seoul
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